Child custody arrangements are among the most critical aspects of divorce or separation, directly impacting the well-being and stability of the children involved. Establishing a fair and workable custody arrangement is essential for providing the emotional and physical support that children need to thrive.
Factors Considered in Custody Determinations
The standard New York courts use in determining custody is the child’s best interest standard. This standard focuses on what will provide the most stable, supportive, and safe environment for the child. Several factors play a role in these decisions, including:
- Each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical and emotional needs
- The child’s preference, depending on their age and maturity
- The relationship between the child and each parent
- The willingness of each parent to foster a positive relationship with the other parent
- Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse
The court evaluates all these factors carefully, and parents, with the help of their lawyers, must be fully prepared to demonstrate their ability to properly care for their child.